WSH - Workplace Safety and Health

Our Workplace Safety and Health Committee meets four times a year to evaluate our safety status and procedures.

Our committee consists of:

Delvyn Cote - Employee Co-Chairperson
Jennifer Collette - Employer Co-Chairperson
Rheal Parent - Custodian
Darrel Maynard - Teacher Rep
Alex Mirza - Teacher Rep
Debra Penner - EA Rep

To obtain Canada SDS (Safety Data Sheets):

Canada Safety Data Sheets can be accessed here.

WSH Documentation:

Please refer to the RVS WSH Bulletin Board in the staffroom for the latest information regarding WSH at RVS and BLSD.

Border Land School Division

Border Land School Division acknowledges that the communities and schools located within Border Land School Division sit on Treaty 1 and Treaty 3 land, the original lands of the Anishinaabe peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Border Land School Division respects the treaties that were made on these treaty areas and we dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with our Indigenous communities in a spirit of truth, reconciliation and collaboration.